Maj 2022
9 Maj 2022 - 22:32
Marvel ultimate alliance pc no start
Grey Gargoyle (Paul Duval) (Last-Gen/PSP only).
Equinox (Terrance Sorenson) (Current-Gen consoles only).
Absorbing Man (Carl Creel) (Last-Gen/PSP only).
A-Bomb (Richard Jones) (Current-Gen consoles only).
Multiple Man (James Madrox) (Current-Gen consoles only).
Prodigy (Richard Gilmore) (Current-Gen consoles only).
Patriot (Elijah Bradley) (Current-Gen consoles only).
Firestar (Angelica Jones) (Current-Gen consoles only).
Colossus (Piotr Rasputin) (Current-Gen consoles only).
Cloak (Tyrone Johnson) (Boss on Last-Gen/PSP consoles and NPC on Current-Gen).
War Machine (James Rhodes) (Current-Gen consoles only).
Multiple Man (Clones) (Last-Gen/PSP consoles only).
Molten Man (Mark Raxton) (Current-Gen consoles only).
Bishop (NPC on Last-Gen/PSP consoles and Boss on Current-Gen).
Songbird (Melissa Gold) (First appearance).
She-Hulk (Jennifer Walters) (Nintendo DS only) (First appearance).
Sentry (Robert Reynolds) (Nintendo DS only) (First appearance).
Psylocke (Elizabeth Braddock) (Last-Gen/PSP and DLC Current-Gen only) (First appearance).
Penance (Robert Baldwin) (First appearance).
Magneto (Max Eisenhardt) (DLC Current-Gen only).
Juggernaut (Cain Marko) (Current-Gen Gamestop Pre-Order and DLC only) (First appearance).
Iron Fist (Daniel Rand) (Current-Gen consoles only) (First appearance).
Green Goblin (Norman Osborn) (First appearance).
Cyclops (Scott Summers) (Last-Gen/PSP only).
Carnage (Cletus Kasady) (DLC Current-Gen only) (First appearance).
Cable (Nathan Summers) (DLC Current-Gen only) (First appearance).
Blade (Eric Brooks) (Last-Gen/PSP only).
Black Panther (T'Challa) (DLC Current-Gen only).
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